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Cleaning Up The Mess After A Sewage Backup
Cleaning Up The Mess After A Sewage Backup
April 25/2023

Cleaning Up The Mess After A Sewage Backup

Sewage backups can be your worst nightmare, causing significant damage to your property and posing serious health risks to your family. Dealing with the aftermath of a sewage backup can be overwhelming and stressful, but there are steps you should take to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of your family.

At Mr. Rooter Plumbing, we offer sewer system backup service, sewer repair, trenchless sewer line replacement, and many other plumbing services. In this article, we'll discuss the steps you should take to clean up the mess after a sewage backup and get your home back to its pre-loss condition. We will also share tips to prevent sewage backups.

What Causes A Sewage Backup?

  • Blockages

Blockages in the sewer line can be caused by a buildup of debris such as grease, oil, food waste, or other foreign objects that are flushed down the drain.

  • Tree roots

Tree roots can grow into the sewage pipes, causing blockages and eventually leading to backups.

  • Old or damaged sewer lines

Sewer lines can become damaged or corroded over time, leading to blockages and backups.

  • Heavy rain or flooding

Heavy rain or flooding can overwhelm the sewage system and cause backups.

What to Do After Sewage Backup

  • Step 1: Turn off the electricity

Turn off the electricity in the affected area before you start cleaning up the sewage to prevent electrocution.

  • Step 2: Wear protective gear

Ensure you put on protective clothing, rubber gloves, protective eyewear, and boots to protect yourself from exposure to bacteria and other harmful microorganisms in the sewage.

  • Step 3: Remove standing water

Use a wet/dry vacuum or a pump to remove standing water. Do not use a regular household vacuum, as it is not designed for this type of cleanup.

  • Step 4: Clean and disinfect

Use a disinfectant solution to clean and disinfect all surfaces and items that have come into contact with the sewage. Dispose of any contaminated items that cannot be properly cleaned and disinfected.

  • Step 5: Ventilate the area

Open windows and use fans to ventilate the area. This will help dry out any remaining moisture and improve indoor air quality.

  • Step 6: Call professional plumbers

It's recommended to contact professional plumbers to handle the cleanup process. They have the necessary equipment, expertise, and experience to handle sewage backup safely and efficiently.

How to Prevent Sewage Backups in Your Home

Here are some tips on how to prevent sewage backups in your home:

  • Properly dispose of household waste

Avoid flushing items down the toilet that are not meant to be flushed, such as baby wipes, diapers, feminine hygiene products, or paper towels. These items can clog your pipes and lead to backups.

  • Install a backwater valve

A backwater valve is a device that prevents sewage from flowing back into your home's plumbing system.

  • Keep your plumbing system well maintained

Regularly have your plumbing system inspected and maintained by a skilled plumber. This can help catch any potential issues that could lead to sewage backups.

  • Avoid pouring grease down the drain

Grease and oil can solidify in your pipes and cause blockages. Instead, dispose of grease in a separate container and throw it in the trash.

Dealing With Sewage Backup ? The Team at Mr. Rooter Plumbing  Can Help

At Mr. Rooter Plumbing, we offer a wide range of professional services, including sewer system backup service, sewer repair, trenchless sewer line replacement, drain cleaning, water line replacement, plumbing system maintenance, and more. If you’re experiencing sewage backup in your home or business premises, reach out to the skilled plumbers for help with cleaning up the mess and fixing the source of the problem.